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Voucher & Discount Code

Here you'll find information about vouchers and discount codes.

What happens to my voucher if I return my order or parts of it or if it is canceled?

After a return or cancellation, the value of the purchased voucher will automatically be recredited to the same voucher. The voucher is reactivated and can be used again.

What happens to my voucher if I do not use it completely when I place an order?

If you have only partially redeemed a voucher, the remaining balance is still available. You can use this balance for a future order.

Can I combine several voucher codes with one another?

Unfortunately, combining multiple vouchers is not possible. Only one voucher code can be redeemed per order.

How do I redeem the voucher or discount code?

To redeem a voucher code, simply enter it in the designated field at checkout. The value of the voucher will automatically be deducted from the total amount of your order.

What do I do if I haven't received a voucher?

If you have not received an email with your voucher, please check your spam folder first. If the voucher is not there, please contact our customer service. Our team will assist you as soon as possible and resend the voucher to you.

How can I purchase a voucher?

You can purchase gift vouchers directly in our online shop. After payment, you will receive the voucher via email. Please note that the voucher is available in digital form only.